This set of photos presents a typical process for breaking continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). Break for removal of CRCP requires that the rebar be broken free of the concrete and removed prior to removing the broken concrete. Antigo accomplishes this by striking the concrete with great force with an 8600/T8600 Badger Breaker® with a close impact spacing of approximately 6 inches. The MHB/MHBT Badger Breaker® also accomplishes this by using a rubblization pattern to break the concrete and separate the rebar. Contractors use various equipment and attachments to process the rebar and load out the broken concrete.
Breaking and Removing Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of breaking CRCP for removal.
Less Time, More Bonus Money
Reconstruction of I-465 near Indianapolis, Indiana.