This set of photos presents rubblization and asphalt overlay of 2-lane highways. Note that traffic can be maintained in the adjacent lane with temporary traffic control and both lanes can be rubblized and paved up square each day.
Reconstructing Composite Pavements – Rubblization and HMA
Articles Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Oct 27, 2022
Perpetual Pavement: Award-Winning Design
Piatt County (IL) won a prestigious Perpetual Pavement Award (PPA) — only the second U.S. local public agency road project to ever receive such recognition. The project was the first rubblization and asphalt overlay of a whitetopping pavement.
Miscellaneous Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 28, 2022
Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay of a 2-Lane Highway Constructed under Traffic
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of rubblizing a 2-lane concrete highway prior to asphalt overlay constructed under traffic.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Mar 28, 2018
Non-Destructive Modulus Testing and Performance Evaluation for Asphalt Pavement Reflective Cracking Mitigation Treatments
Four treatments were evaluated to determine their effectiveness in mitigating reflective cracking via non-destructive FWD tests and Surface Wave Method tests to measure layer modulus, along with field pavement performance surveys.