This set of photos presents rubblization and asphalt overlay of airport pavements. By taking advantage of the unique capabilities of the 8600 Badger Breaker® to “pre-break” the concrete and the MHB Badger Breaker® to complete the rubblization of the concrete, Antigo has made it possible to efficiently rubblize very thick concrete airport runways, taxiways and aprons. Concrete pavements up to approximately 14 inches thick are rubblized by the MHB without pre-breaking.
Recent Developments in Concrete Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay for Airfield Pavements
Antigo Construction Family of Companies Airfield Rubblization Projects
List of projects
Articles Rubblization Airports
Nov 1, 2016
Reconstructed Runway Rises from Rubble at Coles County Memorial
The project team at Coles County Memorial Airport in Illinois chose rubblization and asphalt overlay to reconstruct the runway to keep costs down and to minimize disruption to the day-to-day operations of the airport.
Presentations Rubblization Airports
Jun 21, 2016
Coles County Memorial Airport, Mattoon, Illinois, Rubblization of Runway 11-29
Hanson Engineering and Howell Paving presentation on rubblization and asphalt overlay of an airport runway.