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Reconstructing Composite Pavements – Rubblization and HMA
Articles Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Oct 27, 2022
Perpetual Pavement: Award-Winning Design
Piatt County (IL) won a prestigious Perpetual Pavement Award (PPA) — only the second U.S. local public agency road project to ever receive such recognition. The project was the first rubblization and asphalt overlay of a whitetopping pavement.
Miscellaneous Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 28, 2022
Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay of a 2-Lane Highway Constructed under Traffic
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of rubblizing a 2-lane concrete highway prior to asphalt overlay constructed under traffic.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Mar 28, 2018
Non-Destructive Modulus Testing and Performance Evaluation for Asphalt Pavement Reflective Cracking Mitigation Treatments
Four treatments were evaluated to determine their effectiveness in mitigating reflective cracking via non-destructive FWD tests and Surface Wave Method tests to measure layer modulus, along with field pavement performance surveys.
Presentations Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Apr 1, 2017
Monticello Road Whitetopping Rubblization
Presentation by Eric Seibring, Piatt County Engineer, on the first rubblization and asphalt overlay of a whitetopping pavement.
Articles Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Nov 1, 2016
Repair of the Surface of Concrete by Crushing Hammer (Rubblizing)
Article on rubblization in Poland from the technical journal DROGOWNICTWO (Highway Engineering).
- Content in Polish language.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 6, 2015
Performance Contracting for Construction on the M-115 in Clare County, MI
This report documents the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) HfL demonstration project, which involved performance contracting for construction (PCfC) on M-115, a two-lane rural highway in Clare County, MI.
Testimonials Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 6, 2015
"We found Antigo Construction employees to be well qualified, dedicated, and hardworking. Antigo Construction provided the appropriate type of machinery to perform the job in an efficient and effective manner. The equipment was reliable and well maintained which is backed up by the minimal downtime that occurred on the job."
Greg Schnell, Transportation Director, Sheboygan County (Wisconsin)
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Jan 1, 2012
Structural Characterization of Iowa’s Rubblized PCC Pavements
This paper describes a field study undertaken to investigate the performance of rubblized pavements in Iowa, which includes characterization of the rubblized Portland cement concrete (PCC) layer (layer coefficient and modulus) using a neural networks-based layer moduli backcalculation program. The average rubblized PCC layer coefficient and backcalculated modulus of the rubblized layer in Iowa were found to be 0.19 and 539 MPa (78 ksi), respectively.