Reconstructing Composite Pavements – Rubblization and HMA
Recent Developments in Concrete Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay for Airfield Pavements
Antigo Construction Family of Companies Airfield Rubblization Projects
List of projects
Antigo Construction Family of Companies Completed Square Meters by Type
Summary table
Interstate Highway Rubblization Projects by State, 1996-2024
List of projects
Highway Rubblization Projects with Concrete Overlays by State, 1999-2024
List of projects
Crack & Seat Concrete Pavement with Asphalt Overlay Projects – Southeast Wisconsin Local Roads, 1983-2024
List of projects
Crack & Seat Concrete Pavement with Asphalt Overlay Projects – Iowa 2-Lane Highways, 1986-2024
List of projects
California Interstate Crack & Seat Concrete Pavement with Asphalt Overlay Projects, 1991-2024
List of projects
Antigo’s MHB Urban Removal Breaking Projects, 1996-2024
List of projects
Antigo’s Industrial Sites Removal Breaking Projects, 1985-2024
List of projects
Antigo’s Airports Removal Breaking Projects, 1982-2024
List of projects
Antigo Construction Family of Companies Completed Square Yards by Type
Summary table
Miscellaneous Break for Removal
Jan 28, 2024
Antigo’s International Projects, 1999-2024
List of projects
Jan 1, 2024
Guidelines for Use of Asphalt Overlays to Rehabilitate PCC Pavements, NAPA IS-117
The National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) updated this publication which was first published in 1994. It now provides up-to-date information on of the use of fractured slab techniques to rehabilitate PCC pavements with asphalt overlays.
Sep 1, 2023
"I would highly recommend Antigo Construction for your concrete breaking and or rubblizing needs."
Chris Winch, Estimator/Project Manager, Maple Leaf Construction Ltd.
Jun 23, 2023
Asphalt Pavement Alliance 2022 Perpetual Pavement Awards
Antigo Construction performed concrete pavement rubblization on the Illinois DOT’s I-74 project that was recognized as a Perpetual Pavement Award project for 2022.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 14, 2023
Caltrans Plans for Perpetual Pavements
California Department of Transportation project on I-5 in Sacramento County utilized concrete pavement crack & seat and asphalt overlay to build a perpetual pavement.
Feb 1, 2023
Rubblization or Crack and Seat – Things to Consider
Things to consider when evaluating a potential fractured slab and asphalt overlay project with an emphasis on choosing between the range of fractured slab techniques.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jan 6, 2023
Perpetual Pavement Practices Convert Concrete Interstates in Illinois
Illinois DOT project on I-70 in Clark County that won a Perpetual Pavement Award in the By Conversion category utilized concrete pavement rubblization and asphalt overlay.
Articles Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Oct 27, 2022
Perpetual Pavement: Award-Winning Design
Piatt County (IL) won a prestigious Perpetual Pavement Award (PPA) — only the second U.S. local public agency road project to ever receive such recognition. The project was the first rubblization and asphalt overlay of a whitetopping pavement.
Jun 3, 2022
Asphalt Pavement Alliance 2021 Perpetual Pavement Awards
Antigo Construction performed rubblization or crack & seat on 5 of the Perpetual Pavement Award projects for 2021.
Articles Crack & Seat Controlled-Access Highways
May 19, 2022
Caltrans Plans for Perpetual Pavement
This very successful crack & seat and asphalt overlay project received an Asphalt Pavement Alliance 2021 Perpetual Pavement by Design Award.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 18, 2022
Tennessee DOT Uses Innovation to Rebuild Nashville’s I-440
This very successful Design-Build project converted a deteriorated concrete pavement into a new asphalt pavement utilizing concrete rubblization.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 18, 2022
Rubblization Practices Evaluated in Illinois
A recently released report out of the University of Illinois Center for Transportation entitled “Performance of Interstate Rubblization in Illinois” summarizes the performance of rubblized pavements on the Illinois interstate system over the last two decades.
Reports Rubblization Concrete Overlay
Mar 2, 2022
Guide to Concrete Overlays
This guide presents basic principles needed by pavement engineers for the design and construction of concrete overlays on existing asphalt, composite, and concrete pavements. See pages 105 and 107 for information on rubblization of concrete pavement prior to a concrete overlay.
Miscellaneous Break for Removal
Feb 28, 2022
Breaking Upper Layer of Concrete while not Damaging Lower Layer
Pictorial examples of Antigo’s process of breaking an upper Layer of concrete while not damaging a lower layer.
Miscellaneous Crack & Seat Airports
Feb 28, 2022
Crack & Seat Airport Pavements – Project Examples
Pictorial examples of Antigo’s process of cracking & seating airport pavements prior to asphalt overlay.
Feb 28, 2022
Antigo International – Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation
In-situ recycling options for concrete pavement rehabilitation provided worldwide by Antigo International.
Miscellaneous Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 28, 2022
Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay of a 2-Lane Highway Constructed under Traffic
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of rubblizing a 2-lane concrete highway prior to asphalt overlay constructed under traffic.
Feb 17, 2022
Nighttime Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of rubblizing concrete highways prior to asphalt overlay during nighttime lane closures.
Breaking and Removing Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)
Pictorial description of Antigo’s process of breaking CRCP for removal.
Miscellaneous Break for Removal
Feb 16, 2022
Break Concrete for Removal Around the World
Examples of the breadth of locations where Antigo has completed projects.
Specifications Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Feb 1, 2022
Modified Rubblization Specification
Construction specification prepared by Antigo Construction.
Miscellaneous Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Feb 1, 2022
Types of Fractured Slab Techniques with MHB
Antigo uses the following descriptions to describe the range of fractured slab techniques performed with the MHB Badger Breaker® (MHB).
Reports Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jul 1, 2021
Performance of Interstate Rubblization in Illinois, FHWA-ICT-21-005
This Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT) report summarizes the performance of several interstate rubblizing projects in Illinois by analyzing available data in Illinois Department of Transportation’s pavement management system. The report finds that, overall, rubblization is providing good to excellent performance and exceeding design expectations.
Miscellaneous Crack & Seat Airports
Feb 1, 2021
Cracking & Seating Concrete Pavement at Airports, 1984 to 2020
List of projects
Miscellaneous Break & Seat Break & Seat with MHB
Feb 1, 2021
Breaking & Seating Concrete Pavement with MHB Badger Breaker® in Ohio, 2000 to 2020
List of projects
Miscellaneous Break & Seat Break & Seat with T8600
Feb 1, 2021
Breaking & Seating Concrete Pavement in Kentucky, 1995 to 2020
List of projects
Jan 29, 2021
Benefits of Rehabilitating Concrete Pavements with Slab Fracturing and Asphalt Overlays, NCAT Report 20-03
This National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) study comprehensively synthesized historical experiences with crack and seat (C&S), break and seat (B&S), and rubblization methods for the rehabilitation of PCC pavements with asphalt overlays.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Nov 22, 2019
Rubblization Gives New Life to Dying Roads Nationwide
Departments of Transportation across the country are seeing that rubblization is a key tactic for bringing new life to aging concrete pavements.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jul 23, 2019
Rubblize to Rehabilitate – West Virginia
Through the monitoring of pavement conditions in West Virginia, the DOH has documented that the warranty pavements, using rubblization, are out-performing traditional full depth new construction pavements.
Reports Rubblization Local Roads
Jun 1, 2019
Evaluation of the Terminal Boulevard (SR 406) Concrete Rubblization Project
The purpose of this study was to document the current condition of the rubblized and reconstructed pavement on Terminal Boulevard (SR 406) in Norfolk, VA, and to generate baseline pavement performance information.
May 17, 2019
WisDOT Facilities Development Manual Chapter 14.25.15 Concrete Pavement Rubblization
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance on rubblization of concrete pavement.
Apr 30, 2019
WisDOT Specification 335 Rubblized Pavement
Wisconsin DOT concrete rubblization specification.
Presentations Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 12, 2019
I-70 Extended Life Pavement Performance
Charles Wienrank, P.E., Pavement Design Engineer, Illinois DOT, presentation at 2019 IAPA Annual Meeting.
Testimonials Break for Removal Airports
Feb 4, 2019
"Interstate Highway Construction would like to express our sincere appreciation of you, your team and your company for the successful completion of the Tulsa International Airport, Taxiway J South Reconstruction Project."
Jeff Gargoshian, Project Manager, Interstate Highway Construction, Inc.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Mar 28, 2018
Non-Destructive Modulus Testing and Performance Evaluation for Asphalt Pavement Reflective Cracking Mitigation Treatments
Four treatments were evaluated to determine their effectiveness in mitigating reflective cracking via non-destructive FWD tests and Surface Wave Method tests to measure layer modulus, along with field pavement performance surveys.
Reports Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 6, 2018
Mechanistic Design Data from ODOT Instrumented Pavement Sites – Phase II Report
This investigation examined data obtained from three previously-instrumented pavement test sites in Oregon. Data processing algorithms and templates were developed for each test site that facilitated full processing of all the data to build databases representing each site. Investigation of site data found that most of the collected data could be successfully processed and observed trends in the data were as expected (e.g., seasonal changes affected pavement response). The location that compared rubblized base to aggregate base clearly demonstrated the effect of the rubblized base through a 50% reduction in strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer. Further investigations of the data may be warranted and user's guides provided in this report will enable those investigations to proceed by ODOT staff.
Reports Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 6, 2018
Mechanistic Design Data from ODOT Instrumented Pavement Sites – Phase 1 Report
This investigation examined data obtained from three previously-instrumented pavement test sites in Oregon. Data processing algorithms and templates were developed for each test site that facilitated full processing of all the data to build databases representing each site. Investigation of site data found that most of the collected data could be successfully processed and observed trends in the data were as expected (e.g., seasonal changes affected pavement response). The location that compared rubblized base to aggregate base clearly demonstrated the effect of the rubblized base through a 50% reduction in strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer.
Articles Crack & Seat Controlled-Access Highways
Feb 10, 2018
The right CSOL-ution
Washington State DOT’s last-ditch play against aging pavements is a unique success.
Testimonials Break for Removal Airports
Feb 6, 2018
"On behalf of Interstate Highway Construction, Inc., I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contribution towards the successful completion of the above referenced work. Also, please take time to thank all of your employees for their cooperation and hard work. We look forward to working with your company on future projects as well."
Joe Satriana, Project Engineer, Interstate Highway Construction, Inc.
Testimonials Break for Removal Industrial Sites
Dec 28, 2017
"Antigo was able to start work on time and keep the promised durations while working safely and efficiently for the entire project. We look forward to doing more work in the future with Antigo and thank you for a job well done."
Brian Amling, Project Manager, Northern Illinois Service Co.
Route 65: The Rebuild, Springfield, MO
Millstone Webber and MoDOT presentation on fast track reconstruction project.
Presentations Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Apr 1, 2017
Monticello Road Whitetopping Rubblization
Presentation by Eric Seibring, Piatt County Engineer, on the first rubblization and asphalt overlay of a whitetopping pavement.
Articles Rubblization Airports
Nov 1, 2016
Reconstructed Runway Rises from Rubble at Coles County Memorial
The project team at Coles County Memorial Airport in Illinois chose rubblization and asphalt overlay to reconstruct the runway to keep costs down and to minimize disruption to the day-to-day operations of the airport.
Articles Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Nov 1, 2016
Repair of the Surface of Concrete by Crushing Hammer (Rubblizing)
Article on rubblization in Poland from the technical journal DROGOWNICTWO (Highway Engineering).
- Content in Polish language.
Reports Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jun 21, 2016
Validation of Staged Construction Pavement Design with the Falling Weight Deflectometer
This paper documents the Illinois Tollway staff's monitoring and observation process of the I-88 rubblization and asphalt overlay project during the first 9 years of service to validate the original design assumptions and verify the Stage 2 pavement design strategy and overall pavement performance.
Jun 21, 2016
Towards Sustainable Pavement Systems: A Reference Document
This reference document has been prepared to provide guidance to the pavement community on sustainability considerations in pavement systems, drawing from and synthesizing the large and diverse body of knowledge that exists on pavement sustainability. Crack & seat and rubblization are identified as sustainable construction techniques.
Jun 21, 2016
Improved design of overlay treatments to concrete pavements
The objective of this UK research was to develop improved design guidance for asphalt overlays to concrete pavements by providing techniques that will reduce the thickness of overlay while still minimizing the occurrence of reflective cracking. The crack & seat and rubblization are techniques are addressed.
Jun 21, 2016
The use of crack and seat treatment in refurbishment of airfield pavements
The overall purpose of the guide is to provide enough information to enable those engineers not familiar with crack and seat technology to be able to conduct effective maintenance of concrete pavements at airfields.
Jun 21, 2016
Simplified Crack, Seat, and Overlay Design for Scottish Roads
Investigation of a simplified design approach for asphalt overlays on cracked and seated or rubblized cement bound material (CBM) in Scotland.
Reports Crack & Seat Controlled-Access Highways
Jun 21, 2016
Rapid Pavement Rehabilitation with Long Life Asphalt Concrete
Project experience from the rehabilitation of Interstate 710 in Long Beach, California using 55-hour weekend closure and crack & seat with asphalt overlay.
Presentations Rubblization Airports
Jun 21, 2016
Coles County Memorial Airport, Mattoon, Illinois, Rubblization of Runway 11-29
Hanson Engineering and Howell Paving presentation on rubblization and asphalt overlay of an airport runway.
Articles Crack & Seat Local Roads
Jun 21, 2016
Norwalk Uses Crack & Seat to Rehabilitate Roadways
Description of how a city and its engineering firm are using crack & seat and asphalt overlay to rehabilitate failing concrete pavements.
Articles Break & Seat Break & Seat with T8600
Jun 21, 2016
Thoroughbreds, Thorough Work — Crews Execute Extensive Asphalt-paving Work on Hwy. 60 in Kentucky
Description of a break & seat and asphalt overlay project that included alternative pavement bid process.
Mar 30, 2016
Wisconsin Crack & Seat Specification
Mar 30, 2016
South Dakota Crack & Seat Specification
Mar 23, 2016
Performance of Techniques to Minimize Reflection Cracking and Associated Developments in Pavement Investigation for Maintenance of UK Military Airfield
Crack & seat technique performed well in UK airfield trials.
Articles Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Mar 22, 2016
Modified Rubblization – Ohio Asphalt Magazine Winter 2015
Article describing use of modified rubblization and asphalt overlay on city streets in Greenfield, Wisconsin.
Presentations Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Mar 2, 2016
Discussion of “Modified Rubblization”
Presentations Rubblization Local Roads
Nov 5, 2015
Rubblizing in an Urban Environment
Articles Break for Removal Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement
Nov 5, 2015
The Cross Road – Blessed Route the Beneficiary of FDR Process
A full-depth reclamation (FDR) project involving the removal of a failed portland cement concrete pavement and the construction of an 8-in. stabilized reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and aggregate base.
Miscellaneous Crack & Seat Airports
Oct 29, 2015
Cracking & Seating Airport Pavements in the UK
Overview of the process prepared by Antigo Construction.
Aug 22, 2015
IS-132 Rubblization
For an excellent introduction to rubblization of concrete pavement and asphalt overlay, we suggest the National Asphalt Pavement Association's publication IS-132 Rubblization.
Jul 16, 2015
WisDOT Construction & Materials Manual Chapter 3.50 Rubblizing Concrete Pavement
Wisconsin DOT engineer guidance regarding the rubblization of concrete pavement.
Jul 16, 2015
Nebraska DOR Cracking and Seating Concrete Pavement
Jul 16, 2015
Montana DOT PCCP Pavement Cracking and Seating
Jul 16, 2015
Idaho DOT Crack & Seat Concrete Pavement
Reports Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Jul 16, 2015
Survival Analysis for Composite Pavement Performance in Iowa
This study investigates the performance of composite pavements composed of a flexible layer over a rigid base. Four composite pavement rehabilitation methods are involved in the research: mill and fill, structural overlay, rubblization and heater scarification.
Jul 16, 2015
Using Recycled Concrete in MDOT’s Transportation Infrastructure
Crushed concrete aggregate (CCA) is granular material manufactured by removing, crushing, and processing old concrete for reuse as an aggregate source in new construction.
Jul 16, 2015
Transportation Applications Of Recycled Concrete Aggregates
The purpose of this review was to capture the most advanced uses of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for transportation uses in the United States. This knowledge would then be transferred to all State Transportation Agencies (STA).
Jul 16, 2015
Recycling Concrete Pavements
This engineering bulletin provides background information on recycling concrete pavements into recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for use in bases, subbases, new concrete mixtures, granular fill, etc.
Jul 16, 2015
Rubblization of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
Pictorial presentation of the process.
Articles Rubblization Local Roads
Jul 16, 2015
Rubblization and HMA Overlay in Faribault County
County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 16, east of Blue Earth, MN, was rubblized and overlaid in 2004.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jul 16, 2015
Rubblization – A Way to Save Time, Money, and Resources
When concrete pavements reach a certain level of deterioration, rubblization of the concrete with an asphalt overlay is the easiest, cheapest, and most effective way to rehabilitate the pavement in the shortest amount of time.
Testimonials Break for Removal Airports
Mar 13, 2015
"IHC truly appreciated the opportunity to partner with you and your company. Your company was always dedicated to maintaining the schedule and upholding the highest standards of safety and quality."
Eddie Davidsen, Project Manager, Interstate Highway Construction, Inc.
Reports Break & Seat Break & Seat with T8600
Mar 13, 2015
Breaking and Seating of Rigid Pavements
Breaking and seating has been utilized extensively in Kentucky to rehabilitate portland cement concrete pavements. Experience over three or four years with this type of design and construction are summarized and reported.
Reports Break & Seat Break & Seat with T8600
Mar 13, 2015
Breaking and Seating of Concrete Pavements: Kentucky’s Experience
This survey includes a detailed visual survey and falling weight deflectometer testing to determine the in situ condition of the pavement structure.
Presentations Rubblization Concrete Overlay
Mar 13, 2015
Inbound and Outbound Pena Boulevard Reconstruction
Denver International Airport (DIA) presentation on rubblization and concrete overlay.
Less Time, More Bonus Money
Reconstruction of I-465 near Indianapolis, Indiana.
Articles Break for Removal Airports
Mar 13, 2015
A Base Stacked for Strength
Reconstruction of a taxiway at Des Moines International Airport.
Articles Break & Seat Break & Seat with T8600
Mar 13, 2015
Kentucky’s experience with rehabilitating PCC pavements with asphalt overlays
Article on break & seat and asphalt overlay in Kentucky.
Testimonials Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Mar 12, 2015
"The inspectors and I were very satisfied with their coordination, methods and equipment used, and their quality of work. All projects are performing very well."
Randall J. Will, P.E. & P.L.S., Webster County (Iowa) Engineer
Testimonials Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Mar 12, 2015
"Antigo Construction's knowledge, professionalism, and dedication to quality has helped Payne & Dolan become a finalist for the 2014 Sheldon G. Hayes award for the 2012-2013 IH 43 project in Waukesha County. Antigo Construction's contributions to this project, and many others, cannot be understated and is greatly appreciated."
Brian R. Wallace, Project Manager, Payne & Dolan, Inc.
Articles Break for Removal Airports
Mar 11, 2015
New Runway Ready for Take-Off
Rebuilding a critical runway at Fairchild Air Force Base required attention to every last detail - from the concrete to the construction technique to the calendar.
Feb 11, 2015
Evaluation of Rubblized Pavement Sections in Michigan Constructed between 1988 and 2002
This report has been prepared to summarize the relevant findings regarding the performance of the pavement sections rubblized using the MHB between 1997 and 2002 in Michigan and the performance of pavement sections rubblized using the RFB between 1988 and 2000.
Feb 11, 2015
Evaluation of Concrete Slab Fracturing Techniques in Mitigating Reflective Cracking Through Asphalt Overlays
This report presents the results of an evaluation of concrete slab fracturing techniques as a means of arresting or retarding reflective cracking through asphalt overlays placed on severely distressed portland cement concrete pavement.
Feb 11, 2015
Breaking / Cracking and Seating Concrete Pavements
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 144 by Marshall R. Thompson.
Presentations Rubblization Modified Rubblization
Feb 11, 2015
Discussion of “Full Rubblization” & “Modified Rubblization”
Feb 11, 2015
Rubblization: Making an Impact in Michigan
Since 1988, the Michigan Department of Transportation has been using rubblization as a road rehabilitation method.
Feb 11, 2015
Antigo Construction, Inc. in Afghanistan
The following is the first in a series of articles and photos regarding Antigo Construction's involvement with a USAID project in Afghanistan to rebuild the Kandahar to Herat Highway.
Testimonials Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 6, 2015
"We found Antigo Construction employees to be well qualified, dedicated, and hardworking. Antigo Construction provided the appropriate type of machinery to perform the job in an efficient and effective manner. The equipment was reliable and well maintained which is backed up by the minimal downtime that occurred on the job."
Greg Schnell, Transportation Director, Sheboygan County (Wisconsin)
Testimonials Rubblization Airports
Feb 6, 2015
"Since Antigo's arrival on the project, the daily production has exceeded the quoted amounts and we are well within bringing the project back in line to our original projected schedule."
Steve Griffin, General Manager, Strata Corporation
Specifications Rubblization Airports
Feb 6, 2015
FAA Engineering Brief No. 66, Rubblized Portland Cement Concrete Base Course
Engineering Brief No. 66 provides guidance and specifications for rubblization of existing Portland cement concrete pavements.
Feb 6, 2015
HWD Testing of Rubblized Sections of Taxiway W1 at Detroit Metro Airport
Report on Heavy Weight Deflectometer testing of the rubblized sections of Taxiway W1.
Reports Rubblization Concrete Overlay
Feb 6, 2015
Rubblized Concrete: Good Support for Concrete Overlays
This research sought to verify that PCC over rubblized concrete pavement is a strong, durable option for overlays of aging concrete roadways.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Feb 6, 2015
Performance Contracting for Construction on the M-115 in Clare County, MI
This report documents the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) HfL demonstration project, which involved performance contracting for construction (PCfC) on M-115, a two-lane rural highway in Clare County, MI.
Feb 6, 2015
Development of Guidelines for Rubblization Final Report
This report presents the results of Airfield Asphalt Pavement Technology Program Project (AAPTP) 04-01, Development of Guidelines for Rubblization. The objective was to document the state of the art in rubblization technology for airfield pavements.
Reports Crack & Seat 2-Lane Highways
Feb 6, 2015
Crack and Seat PCC Pavement Prior to Resurfacing US 59 – Shelby County
1993 Iowa DOT technical report.
Presentations Rubblization Airports
Feb 6, 2015
Rubblization of Existing Airfield Pavements at King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Articles Rubblization Local Roads
Feb 6, 2015
On Track Newsletter, Winter 2004 / 2005, R.A. Smith & Associates, Inc.
Rubblizing may sound like just another funny word-but communities and county highway departments will like the sound of how rubblizing can provide significant time and cost savings.
Articles Rubblization Airports
Feb 6, 2015
From Rubble to Runway
The arrival of a lone KC-135 at Grand Forks AFB, N.D. on Oct. 30, 2005 marked the unofficial opening of Air Mobility Command's newest state-of-the art runway and the end of a long summer of construction at the base.
Reports Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Dec 15, 2014
Performance of Colorado’s First Rubblization Project on I 76 Near Sterling
This report documents the six-year performance of the Colorado DOT's first rubblization of PCCP project.
Dec 15, 2014
Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlay Design Concepts for Rubblized Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
Transportation Research Record 1684, paper by Marshall R. Thompson.
Reports Rubblization 2-Lane Highways
Jan 1, 2012
Structural Characterization of Iowa’s Rubblized PCC Pavements
This paper describes a field study undertaken to investigate the performance of rubblized pavements in Iowa, which includes characterization of the rubblized Portland cement concrete (PCC) layer (layer coefficient and modulus) using a neural networks-based layer moduli backcalculation program. The average rubblized PCC layer coefficient and backcalculated modulus of the rubblized layer in Iowa were found to be 0.19 and 539 MPa (78 ksi), respectively.
Jul 31, 2009
Life Cycle Assessment – I-5 Seattle
This paper compares three different replacement options for an aging portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement using LCA process-based protocol. Those options are: remove and replace with PCC pavement, remove and replace with hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, and crack-and-seat the existing pavement followed by a HMA overlay.
Jul 22, 2009
Layer Coefficient Values for Cracked and Seated Concrete
The WisDOT Bureau of Technical Services is interested in identifying layer coefficient values used by state DOTs nationwide for cracked and seated concrete, in comparison with values used for rubblized concrete.
Jan 1, 2006
Improved Design of Overlay Treatments
The objective of this research was to develop improved design guidance for asphalt overlays to concrete pavements by providing techniques that will reduce the thickness of overlay while still minimizing the occurrence of reflective cracking.
Jan 1, 2006
Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment
This paper by Professor Marshall Thompson documents the development, capabilities, and effective utilization of the MHB for rubblizing concrete pavement.
Jul 1, 2005
Reflection cracking on airfield pavements – a design guide for assessment, treatment selection and future minimization
This guide has been prepared for Defence Estates (UK) to provide guidance on the identification, categorization and treatment of reflection cracking in airfield pavement structures.
Testimonials Crack & Seat Airports
Aug 1, 2004
"Antigo Breakers Ltd during both the research & development project and also the first phase of the Crack & Seat reconstruction project has offered an excellent level of service. Their proactive approach, level of control and quality is excellent."
Matt Palmer, Senior Project Leader, Pavement & Infrastructure Team (BAA), Heathrow Airport
Jan 15, 1995
Practical Method of Ensuring the Success of Crack and Seat Operations Using FWD
This procedure has two phases: (a) determine the hammer parameters (height and spacing) that develop good cracking patterns, full depth cracks with adequate aggregate interlock between the cracked segments and (b) determine the optimum number of passes of a rubber-tired roller.
Jan 15, 1989
Field Performance of Crack and Seat Projects
This paper presents the results of an analysis of seventy crack and seat projects from twelve states throughout the United States.
Nov 20, 1985
Performance of Asphalt Overlays on Cracked & Seated Pavement
Presentation by David Strand, Wisconsin State Design Engineer for Highways, made in 1985 reporting on Wisconsin DOT’s first six years of experience with crack & seat.